Discus Hagalil - Aquarium, fish, ponds

Design and construct a variety of projects...

Setup and maintenance of freshwater tanks- which includes plants aquariums (low tech - and high tech) and cichlids.

Aquarium set up- tanks in different sizes according to customer's requirement. Possible additions are available such as overflow holes and others. All aquariums are refined with diamonds refinement. We also build samps (an aquarium which is a filter - an efficient solution for large tanks), and CO2 reactors.

Personally designed aquarium lids in a large range of colors- all lids are made of aluminum . The benefits of aluminum are known as a stainless metal in a water environment , which is relatively light .These characteristics turn the aluminum into an inevitable choice.

Fish diagnosis and treatment in customer's house- we check the water quality and the condition of the fish in your house and finally recommend a suitable treatment. Microscope tests are also available using a vet's lab.

Infrastructure construction for water accumulation and water recycling- Houses and organization counseling for smart automatic water exchanging systems and recycling systems of garden watering.

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